Team IrsiCaixa is made up of more than 100 professionals who work every day to respond to current biomedical challenges. Breadcrumb Home Name Position - Any -Administrative assistantAdministrative assistant of people management departmentBioinformatics postdoctoral researcherBioinformatics research associateClinical research managerCommunications specialistCommunication technicianData managerData protection officerData scientistData stewardDeputy manager and people managementDirectorGeneral managerHead of bionformatics departmentHead of information technologiesHead of the communications departmentHead of the legal and innovation departmentHead of the Living Lab for HealthHead of the people management departmentHead of the project and clinical management unitsHead of the sample processing serviceHead of the sequencing serviceInformation technologies officerInnovation managerLab managerLaboratory assistantLaboratory techinicianLegal officerLiving Lab for Health project managerPostdoctoral researcherPredoctoral researcherProject managerResearch associateResearch group leaderResearch scientistScientific and technical services technicianScientific project managerSenior laboratory technicianStatisticianWeb developer Department - Any -AdministrationClinical managementCommunicationData managementDirectorateInformation technology and data protectionLaboratory managementLegal and innovationLiving Lab for HealthManagementPeople managementProject managementResearchScientific and technical services Javier Martínez-Picado Research group leader Jeremy Tessier Senior laboratory technician Joan Pagès Oliveras Predoctoral researcher Jon Izquierdo Pujol Predoctoral researcher Jorge Carrillo Molina Research group leader José Luis Pérez Guillamón Head of the legal and innovation department Judith Dalmau Moreno Head of the project and clinical management units Júlia Albó Delgado Predoctoral researcher Julià Blanco Arbués Research group leader Julia García Prado Research group leader Julián Eslava Campo Head of information technologies Data protection officer Laia Bernad Rosa Predoctoral researcher Laia Vives Adrián Living Lab for Health project manager Laura Ferrer Cendra Living Lab for Health project manager Lidia Garrido Sanz Bioinformatics postdoctoral researcher Lidia Ruiz Tabuenca Deputy manager and people management Lab manager Pagination First Previous Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Next Last