International scientific committee
A group of internationally renowned researchers periodically evaluate IrsiCaixa to promote and facilitate the excellence of the research carried out at the institution.

Dr. Daria Hazuda
Merck's Vice President of Infectious Diseases Discovery, Chief Scientific Officer of MRL Cambridge Exploratory Science Center.
Dr. Daniel Kuritzkes
Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School (USA), Director of AIDS Research at Brigham and Women's Hospital (USA) and Co-Director of the NIH-funded AIDS Clinical Trials Group (USA).
Dr. Douglas Richman
Professor of Pathology and Medicine at the University of California San Diego (UCSD) (USA), Director of the Research Center for AIDS and HIV infection at the VA San Diego Healthcare System and Director of the Center for AIDS Research at UCSD (USA).
Dr. Gabriella Scarlatti
Head of the Viral Evolution and Transmission Group at the IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele, Milano (Italia).
Dr. Jonathan Schapiro
Director of the HIV/AIDS Clinic at the National Hemophilia Center (Tel Aviv, Israel).
Dr. Lucy Dorrell
Senior Director of the Infectious Diseases and Clinical Development at Immunocore and professor at the Oxford University (UK).
Dr. Mario Stevenson
Head of the Infectious Diseases Division within the Department of Medicine of the University of Miami (USA).
Dr. Monique Nijhuis
Associate Researcher of Translational Virology of the Department of Medical Microbiology, University Medical Center, Utrecht (Netherlands).