Equality, diversity and inclusion
IrsiCaixa is committed to equal opportunities in the workplace and provides resources to progress towards an inclusive and non-stigmatising society.

An inclusive working environment
IrsiCaixa advocates for equal training, innovation and knowledge transfer, health and welfare promotion, and communication between the scientific community and society, from an equal, inclusive, fair and tolerant point of view.
With this ideal in mind, the institution has created a Plan for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, which is the result of its commitment, since its origins, to the defence of equal opportunities among people, as well as to the elimination of discrimination on the basis of gender. The renewal of the Plan will allow the IrsiCaixa community to strengthen its skills and achieve maximum performance in its professional objectives.
In this section, therefore, you will be able to find some resources and tools to continue advancing, day by day, towards a society based on equal opportunities and non-discrimination. Among others, IrsiCaixa shares its Plan for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion 2023-2027, as well as a guide for gender-inclusive and non-stigmatizing communication. This guide aims to be a useful tool for society, especially for the scientific community, offering inclusive and non-stigmatizing linguistic strategies that can be used on a daily basis.

Action plan
IrsiCaixa demography
women leading research groups
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