IrsiCaixa has received European public recognition for its commitment to the development of a human resources policy aligned with Europe.

Human resources strategy for researchers
In May 2017, IrsiCaixa signed the declaration of commitment to the principles of the Charter and Code, with the aim to improve its working conditions for research, making the institution a more attractive place to develop a research of excellence. Thus, IrsiCaixa expressed its interest in the framework of the HRS4R strategy as a tool for self-assessment of the current departments and services of IrsiCaixa in Human Resources area. The implementation of the Charter & Code make the institution more attractive to researchers looking for a new employer or for a host for their research project.
Since August of 2018, IrsiCaixa has the official acknowledgment for HR Excellence in Research granted by the European Commission.
The European Commission grants the HR Excellence in Research award through EURAXESS, a pan-European initiative delivering information and support services to professional researchers. Backed by the European Union and its Member States, it supports researcher mobility and career development, while enhancing scientific collaboration between Europe and the world. Inquiries can be made through the EURAXESS Catalonia contact points. EURAXESS Catalonia offers a Welcome pack with useful information for living or staying in Catalonia which includes: living in Catalonia, health and education system, or accommodation.
This award reflects the IrsiCaixa commitment to continuously improve its Human Resources policies in line with the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, notably the commitment to achieve fair and transparent recruitment and appraisal procedures.
2018-2023 HRS4R Action Plan
With the aim of offering a supportive, encouraging and challenging working environment, IrsiCaixa developed a gap analysis to define the conditions that can be improved as a research of excellence center. This self-assessment and the consequent action plan were developed in an inclusive and open process involving an internal Working Group (see the photo below). This will help IrsiCaixa to reach its goal and vision, to provide novel solutions that guarantee the most favorable conditions as possible for the development of a scientific career and to reach a working environment that promotes equal opportunities, ethical integrity and work-life balance.
2024-2028 HRS4R Action Plan
The new proposal 2024-2028 Action Plan was designed with the HRS4R Monitoring Group.
The current identified gaps that we highlight and on which we would work in the coming years focus on:
- Continue to work on ethics, regulation and IPR training more frequently for new staff.
- Improve in terms of innovation and social impact of the research carried out by our researchers from the initial phases, through specific training.
- Provide greater administrative support to researchers in the pre-selection process of candidates who apply for a job offer.
- Further development of training activities.
The establishment of an Open, Transparent and Merit-based Recruitment of Researcher (OTM-R) policy is a key element in the HRS4R Strategy. IrsiCaixa has developed a personnel recruitment policy based on OTM-R principles.
HRS4R group