To detect needs and co-create improvement solutions with a wide range of stakeholders in the health sector.

About the CRISH programme
CRISH (Co-CReating Innovative Solutions for Health) was aimed at designing a course to bring together a wide variety of stakeholders from the health sector (i.e. researchers, industry representatives, civil society organisations representatives –including patient organisations, charities and community organisations, citizens, policy makers and educators– to learn to co-create innovative processes, products or services to improve health population. One of the most important aspects of CRISH was to detect unmet needs and to identify new research lines.
The course, implemented in several countries across Europe, provided knowledge, skills and tools on patient experience methodology, responsible research and innovation, entrepreneurship elements and reciprocity and co-design methods to a wide variety of health stakeholders.
After completing the course, participants achieved the following learning outcomes:
Understand the theoretical perspectives that underlie co-creation in health.
Include co-creation methodologies in a research and innovation project in health to make it more open, inclusive and responsive to the needs of different stakeholders.
Undertake a Needs Assessment analysis and Stakeholder Mapping exercise for a co-creation project.
Identify a research and innovation project that incorporates patients’ views and stimulates patient-centred care.
List the main areas of project management for co-creation in health.
Communicate a research and innovation project to a specific target audience.
This finalised project was funded by EIT Health and the H2020 programme.