Knowledge generated at IrsiCaixa is shared with the scientific community through the publication of articles in high impact scientific journals.
Dynamics of virological and immunological markers of HIV persistence after allogeneic haematopoietic stem-cell transplantation in the IciStem cohort: a prospective observational cohort study.
Nucleotide-Binding Oligomerization Domain 1 (NOD1) Agonists Prevent SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Human Lung Epithelial Cells through Harnessing the Innate Immune Response.
Author Correction: Prospective individual patient data meta-analysis of two randomized trials on convalescent plasma for COVID-19 outpatients.
Relationship between HLA genetic variations, COVID-19 vaccine antibody response, and risk of breakthrough outcomes.
Switch to fixed-dose doravirine (100 mg) with islatravir (0·75 mg) once daily in virologically suppressed adults with HIV-1 on bictegravir, emtricitabine, and tenofovir alafenamide: 48-week results of a phase 3, randomised, controlled, double-blind, non-inferiority trial.
Preclinical development of humanized monoclonal antibodies against CD169 as a broad antiviral therapeutic strategy.
Predictability of B cell clonal persistence and immunosurveillance in breast cancer.
The association between single-nucleotide polymorphisms within type 1 interferon pathway genes and human immunodeficiency virus type 1 viral load in antiretroviral-naïve participants.
Targeting Viral Transcription for HIV Cure Strategies.
Science Shops as key intermediary structures to respond to the current health research agenda bias: Evidence from the InSPIRES project.