El conocimiento generado en IrsiCaixa se comparte con la comunidad científica a través de la publicación de artículos en revistas científicas de alto impacto.

Deciphering HER2-low breast cancer (BC): insights from real-world data in early stage breast cancer.
Mpox cases finding: Evaluation of a Primary Care detection program in the Northern Metropolitan area from Barcelona (Spain).
Protein Nanoparticles for Targeted SARS-CoV-2 Trapping and Neutralization.
NSGS mice humanized with cord blood mononuclear cells show sustained and functional myeloid-lymphoid representation with limited graft-versus-host disease.
Host genetic and immune factors drive evasion of HIV-1 pathogenesis in viremic non-progressors.
Genome-wide association studies of COVID-19 vaccine seroconversion and breakthrough outcomes in UK Biobank.
Lamivudine modulates the expression of neurological impairment-related genes and LINE-1 retrotransposons in brain tissues of a Down syndrome mouse model.
Multimodal neuroimaging in Long-COVID and its correlates with cognition 1.8 years after SARS-CoV-2 infection: a cross-sectional study of the Aliança ProHEpiC-19 Cognitiu
Long COVID: cognitive, balance, and retina manifestations.
Sustained HIV remission after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation with wild-type CCR5 donor cells.