María Lázaro Díez
María Lázaro Díez was born in Santander. She completed her PhD in Biomedicine and Molecular Biology at Valdecilla Research Institute (IDIVAL), focused on host-multirresistant bacteria interactions.
Subsequently, she accomplished a postdoctoral contract at University of California San Diego (UCSD), where she researched the role of C. acnes factors in acne pathogenesis, as well as vaccines and therapeutic options using a novel murine model of acne. She also worked at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), standardizing new protocols for study of novel antimicrobials. Currently at the VIRIEVAC group, her research is focused on the study of new potential immunotherapies against HIV.
Pathobiont-induced suppressive immune imprints thwart T cell vaccine responses.
NSGS mice humanized with cord blood mononuclear cells show sustained and functional myeloid-lymphoid representation with limited graft-versus-host disease.
Functional divergence of a bacterial enzyme promotes healthy or acneic skin.