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Genetic variation in CCR2 and CXCL12 genes impacts on CD4 restoration in patients initiating cART with advanced immunesupression.

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Methods: A case-control study was conducted in 412 HIV-infected patients starting cART with CD4 T-cell count 200 cells/μL and successful viral control for two years. CD4 count increase below 200 cells/μL after two years on cART was used to define INR (immunological non-responder) patients. Polymorphisms in CXCL12, CCL5 and CCR2 genes were genotyped using sequenom's MassARRAY platform.

Results: Thirty two percent (134/412) of patients were classified as INR. After adjusting by age, route of HIV infection, length of infection before cART and viral hepatitis coinfection, CCR2 rs1799864-AG genotype was significantly associated with INR status (OR [95% CI]: 1.80 [1.04-3.11]; p = 0.04), and CXCL12 rs1801157-TT genotype showed a trend (OR [95% CI]: 2.47 [0.96-6.35]; p = 0.06).

Conclusion: Thirty two percent (134/412) of patients were classified as INR. After adjusting by age, route of HIV infection, length of infection before cART and viral hepatitis coinfection, CCR2 rs1799864-AG genotype was significantly associated with INR status (OR [95% CI]: 1.80 [1.04-3.11]; p = 0.04), and CXCL12 rs1801157-TT genotype showed a trend (OR [95% CI]: 2.47 [0.96-6.35]; p = 0.06).

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