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ABX464 decreases the total HIV reservoir and HIV transcription initiation in CD4 + T cells from HIV-infected ART-suppressed individuals.

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Background: Antiretroviral therapy (ART) intensification and disruption of latency have been suggested as strategies to eradicate HIV. ABX464 is a novel antiviral that inhibits HIV RNA biogenesis. We investigated the effect of ABX464 on HIV transcription and total and intact HIV DNA in CD4 + T cells from ART-suppressed participants enrolled in the ABIVAX-005 clinical trial (NCT02990325).

Methods: Peripheral CD4 + T cells were available for analysis from nine ART-suppressed participants who were treated daily with 150mg of ABX464 for 4 weeks. Total and intact HIV DNA, and initiated, 5'elongated, unspliced, polyadenylated and multiply-spliced HIV transcripts, were quantified at weeks 0, 4 and 8 using droplet digital PCR.

Results: We observed a significant decrease in total HIV DNA (p=0.008, median fold-change=0.8) and a lower median level of intact HIV DNA (p=n.s., median fold-change=0.8) after ABX464 treatment (wk 0 vs. 4). Moreover, we observed a decrease in initiated HIV RNA per million CD4 + T cells and per provirus (p=0.05, median fold-change=0.7; p=0.004, median fold-change=0.5, respectively), a trend towards a decrease in the 5'elongated HIV RNA per provirus (p=0.07, median fold-change=0.5), and a lower median level of unspliced HIV RNA (p=n.s., median fold-change=0.6), but no decrease in polyadenylated or multiply-spliced HIV RNA.

Conclusion: We observed a significant decrease in total HIV DNA (p=0.008, median fold-change=0.8) and a lower median level of intact HIV DNA (p=n.s., median fold-change=0.8) after ABX464 treatment (wk 0 vs. 4). Moreover, we observed a decrease in initiated HIV RNA per million CD4 + T cells and per provirus (p=0.05, median fold-change=0.7; p=0.004, median fold-change=0.5, respectively), a trend towards a decrease in the 5'elongated HIV RNA per provirus (p=0.07, median fold-change=0.5), and a lower median level of unspliced HIV RNA (p=n.s., median fold-change=0.6), but no decrease in polyadenylated or multiply-spliced HIV RNA.

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