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The association between single-nucleotide polymorphisms within type 1 interferon pathway genes and human immunodeficiency virus type 1 viral load in antiretroviral-naïve participants.

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Background: Human genetic contribution to HIV progression remains inadequately explained. The type 1 interferon (IFN) pathway is important for host control of HIV and variation in type 1 IFN genes may contribute to disease progression. This study assessed the impact of variations at the gene and pathway level of type 1 IFN on HIV-1 viral load (VL).

Methods: Two cohorts of antiretroviral (ART) naïve participants living with HIV (PLWH) with either early (START) or advanced infection (FIRST) were analysed separately. Type 1 IFN genes (n = 17) and receptor subunits (IFNAR1, IFNAR2) were examined for both cumulated type 1 IFN pathway analysis and individual gene analysis. SKAT-O was applied to detect associations between the genotype and HIV-1 study entry viral load (log10 transformed) as a proxy for set point VL; P-values were corrected using Bonferroni (P  0.0025).

Results: T-cell ratio and recent infection. When controlling for population structure using linear mixed effects models (LME), in addition to principal components used in the main model, this was no longer significant (p = 0.0244). In subgroup analyses stratified by geographical region, the association between IFNW1 and study entry VL was only observed among African participants, although, the association was not significant when controlling for population structure using LME. Of the 17 SNPs within the IFNW1 region, only rs79876898 (A > G) was associated with study entry VL (p = 0.0020, beta = 0.32; G associated with higher study entry VL than A) in single SNP association analyses. The findings were not reproduced in FIRST participants.

Conclusion: T-cell ratio and recent infection. When controlling for population structure using linear mixed effects models (LME), in addition to principal components used in the main model, this was no longer significant (p = 0.0244). In subgroup analyses stratified by geographical region, the association between IFNW1 and study entry VL was only observed among African participants, although, the association was not significant when controlling for population structure using LME. Of the 17 SNPs within the IFNW1 region, only rs79876898 (A > G) was associated with study entry VL (p = 0.0020, beta = 0.32; G associated with higher study entry VL than A) in single SNP association analyses. The findings were not reproduced in FIRST participants.

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