Knowledge generated at IrsiCaixa is shared with the scientific community through the publication of articles in high impact scientific journals.

A protein synthesis routes.
Production and characterization of novel Anti-HIV Fc-fusion proteins in plant-based systems: Nicotiana benthamiana & tobacco BY-2 cell suspension.
Proteomics of circulating extracellular vesicles reveals diverse clinical presentations of COVID-19 but fails to identify viral peptides.
NSGS mice humanized with cord blood mononuclear cells show sustained and functional myeloid-lymphoid representation with limited graft-versus-host disease.
Production and Immunogenicity of FeLV Gag-Based VLPs Exposing a Stabilized FeLV Envelope Glycoprotein.
Immune responses associated with mpox viral clearance in men with and without HIV in Spain: a multisite, observational, prospective cohort study.
VLPs generated by the fusion of RSV-F or hMPV-F glycoprotein to HIV-Gag show improved immunogenicity and neutralizing response in mice.
Nucleic Acid Vaccines Encoding Proteins and Virus-like Particles for HIV Prevention.
Immunization with V987H-stabilized Spike glycoprotein protects K18-hACE2 mice and golden Syrian hamsters upon SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Immunisation efficacy of a stabilised SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein in two geriatric animal models.