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Population pharmacokinetic modelling of the changes in atazanavir plasma clearance caused by ritonavir plasma concentrations in HIV-1 infected patients.

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Methods: A Cross-sectional study was carried out in 83 HIV-1-infected adults taking ATV 400 mg or ATV 300 mg/RTV 100 mg once daily. Demographic and clinical characteristics were registered and blood samples collected to measure drug concentrations. A population pharmacokinetic model was constructed using nonlinear mixed-effects modelling and used to simulate six dosing scenarios.

Results: favoured the selection of the simulated ATV/RTV once-daily regimens (ATV 400 mg, ATV 300 mg/RTV 100 mg, ATV 300 mg/RTV 50 mg, ATV 200/RTV 100 mg) over the unboosted twice-daily regimens (ATV 300 mg, ATV 200 mg).

Conclusion: favoured the selection of the simulated ATV/RTV once-daily regimens (ATV 400 mg, ATV 300 mg/RTV 100 mg, ATV 300 mg/RTV 50 mg, ATV 200/RTV 100 mg) over the unboosted twice-daily regimens (ATV 300 mg, ATV 200 mg).

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