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Pan-resistant HIV-1 emergence in the era of integrase strand-transfer inhibitors: a case report.

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Background: In 2019, WHO reported that the prevalence of HIV-1 drug resistance to first-line regimens of non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors is increasing in countries with a low number of therapeutic options. This increasing prevalence of drug resistance is an important threat to ending the AIDS pandemic, as it compromises individual clinical outcomes and increases the risk of transmission. In countries with a high number of therapeutic options, little global information is available regarding the prevalence of multidrug-resistant HIV-1 infections, which presents a potential challenge for the clinical management of people with HIV. Even after the approval of two new antiretroviral drug classes in 2007, which were intended to help alleviate this problem, some cases of infection with HIV-1 that show limited susceptibility to the five available antiretroviral classes have been described. We did a thorough in-vitro evaluation of the drug resistance profile of HIV-1 from an observational case to show that five-class pan-resistant clinical cases do exist.

Methods: We investigated a case of a highly treatment-experienced Caucasian male with HIV-1 who had a poor virological response to previous combination antiretroviral therapy (ART) and who was not responding to a dolutegravir-based regimen. For the complete panel of approved antiretrovirals, we examined genotypic resistance using the Stanford HIV Drug Resistance Database interpretation algorithm, and we examined phenotypic resistance using the PhenoSense and Trofile assays. Using viral gp160 sequence analysis, we also explored the potential susceptibility of this virus to novel therapeutic drugs targeting viral envelope binding.

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