Marina Pino Cebrián graduated in Food Science and Technology from the University of Barcelona (UB) in 2016, undertaking an Erasmus stay at the University of Bologna (Italy). Subsequently, she completed a master's degree in Food, Ethics, and Law also at UB, and later, a master's degree in Nutrition and Health at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). After working in the field of Quality and Food Safety, she joined the Living Lab, where she works on European projects related to the transformation of local food systems, such as FIT4FOOD2030, FoodCLIC, FOSTER, and CLEVERFOOD. She has also collaborated on the European project InSPIRES and the CaixaResearch Living Lab.
In addition, she has coordinated and facilitated training activities (workshops, seminars...) within the framework of various projects, as well as scientific education and outreach activities and events.