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IrsiCaixa carries out a study on the incidence and prevalence of STIs in men who have sex with men and transgender women

The study is a collaboration between the Institute for AIDS Research IrsiCaixa, promoted by "la Caixa" Foundation and the Health Department of the Generalitat de Catalunya, the community center BCN Checkpoint and the Fight Against AIDS Foundation


It is an epidemiological study to detect asymptomatic diseases. The collected data could be used for future decisions on health policy


The Institute for AIDS Research IrsiCaixa and  Fight Against AIDS Foundation collaborate with the community center BCN Checkpoint for the implementation of Check-early, a new study on the incidence and prevalence of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in men who have sex with men and transgender women.


According to IrsiCaixa researcher and Fight Against AIDS Fondation Pep Coll, there is a "high prevalence of asymptomatic STIs". Knowing their incidence and prevalence and detecting them the sooner is essential to break the transmission chain and ensure pe

ople good health and sexuality.


The study will detect and treat syphilis, chlamydia, gonorrhea and hepatitis A, B and C infections throughout a year. In the case of HIV, the goal is to detect it at an early stage, in order to refer patients to HIV units. Fast access to treatment will minimize the time since someone becomes infected until it reaches an undetectable viral load.


15% of patients with no symptoms

Check-early is the continuation of Check-ear, a study initiated in December 2009 which detected asymptomatic STIs in 15% of participants. Data collected with Check-early will also have an epidemiological interest, and could be useful to make decisions on future health policies.


The Institute for AIDS Research IrsiCaixa is a pioneer in promoting research with organizations and HIV-affected groups. The Community Advisory Board (CAC), an IrsiCaixa external body, facilitates communication and dialogue between the scientific community and HIV-affected groups, people practicing high-risk sexual activities and professionals from different fields.


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