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[Intensified epidemiological surveillance of arbovirosis: First case of native dengue fever in Catalonia (Spain), Northern Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, 2018-2019].

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Results: Of the 34 patients identified, 26 (76.5%) met study criteria. Among them, any arbovirosis was confirmed in 14 (53.8%): 13 dengue plus 1chikungunya fever. There were no cases of Zika fever. There was a history of travel to endemic areas 23 (88.4%), but not in 3cases (11.6%) in which the possibility of an indigenous transmission was considered; of them, a case of dengue was confirmed. The estimated incidence of arbovirosis was 0.4 (95%CI: 0.33-0.51) cases ×10,000hab/year which, when compared to the estimated incidence in the same geographical area during the period 2009-2013 (0.19cases ×10,000hab/year; 95%CI: 0.07-0.31), a significant increase was found (P=.044). Patients within viremia period at the time of their first medical visit were 11 (42.3%).

Conclusion: Of the 34 patients identified, 26 (76.5%) met study criteria. Among them, any arbovirosis was confirmed in 14 (53.8%): 13 dengue plus 1chikungunya fever. There were no cases of Zika fever. There was a history of travel to endemic areas 23 (88.4%), but not in 3cases (11.6%) in which the possibility of an indigenous transmission was considered; of them, a case of dengue was confirmed. The estimated incidence of arbovirosis was 0.4 (95%CI: 0.33-0.51) cases ×10,000hab/year which, when compared to the estimated incidence in the same geographical area during the period 2009-2013 (0.19cases ×10,000hab/year; 95%CI: 0.07-0.31), a significant increase was found (P=.044). Patients within viremia period at the time of their first medical visit were 11 (42.3%).

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