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Inhibition of HIV-1 replication by RNA targeted against the LTR region.

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Methods: A series of expression vectors has been constructed for the intracellular synthesis of inhibitory RNAs, differing in the promoter that drives their synthesis. These inhibitory RNAs were designed to act at two possible cleavage sites in the long terminal repeat (LTR) region and the TAR domain was chosen as a target for the antisense domain. We have evaluated the effects of different inhibitory RNAs in HIV replication via changes in p24 antigen levels. Mobility shift assays have been used to check the binding capacity of inhibitory RNAs.

Results: Catalytic antisense RNA designed to target the LTR region of HIV-1 inhibited viral replication in an eukaryotic cell environment by more than 90%. The conventional hairpin and hammerhead ribozymes, however, failed to inhibit viral replication.

Conclusion: Catalytic antisense RNA designed to target the LTR region of HIV-1 inhibited viral replication in an eukaryotic cell environment by more than 90%. The conventional hairpin and hammerhead ribozymes, however, failed to inhibit viral replication.

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