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Eva Armendariz

Eva Armendariz Burgoa

Predoctoral researcher

Eva Armendariz Burgoa graduated in Biochemistry and molecular biology at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) in 2019. She continued her studies, earning a Master of Science in Biomedical Sciences with a focus on Infectious and Tropical Diseases from the University of Antwerp. During her academic period, she began her research career collaborating on projects both in Spain and abroad, highlighting among them her research for the master thesis about Chikungunya virus at the Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp. After completing the master's degree, she returned to the Basque Country and joined the UPV/EHU as a research assistant in a project focused on the study of hepatic tumor microenvironment.

In January 2024, Eva started a Ph.D. in the Retrovirology and Clinical Studies group (GREC) at IrsiCaixa. Her research focuses on dissecting endocytic mechanisms in myeloid cells, exploring their role in virus dissemination.

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