El coneixement generat a IrsiCaixa es comparteix amb la comunitat científica a través de la publicació d’articles a revistes científiques d’alt impacte.
Update of the drug resistance mutations in HIV-1: March 2013.
Actin-binding protein drebrin regulates HIV-1-triggered actin polymerization and viral infection.
Distribution of human papillomavirus genotypes in anal cytological and histological specimens from HIV-infected men who have sex with men and men who have sex with women.
The implications of viral reservoirs on the elite control of HIV-1 infection.
Modelling HIV-1 2-LTR dynamics following raltegravir intensification.
Ultrasensitive real-time PCR for the clinical management of visceral leishmaniasis in HIV-Infected patients.
Differential boosting of innate and adaptive antiviral responses during pegylated-interferon-alpha therapy of chronic hepatitis B.
Oligosaccharide structure determines prebiotic role of β-galactomannan against Salmonella enterica ser. Typhimurium in vitro.
HIV-1 tropism testing in subjects achieving undetectable HIV-1 RNA: diagnostic accuracy, viral evolution and compartmentalization.
Screening NK-, B- and T-cell phenotype and function in patients suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.