El coneixement generat a IrsiCaixa es comparteix amb la comunitat científica a través de la publicació d’articles a revistes científiques d’alt impacte.
Epigenetic programming at the Mogat1 locus may link neonatal overnutrition with long-term hepatic steatosis and insulin resistance.
HIV-1 Protease Evolvability Is Affected by Synonymous Nucleotide Recoding.
Interleukin-6 signalling mediates Galectin-8 co-stimulatory activity of antigen-specific CD4 T-cell response.
Proteomics study of human cord blood reticulocyte-derived exosomes.
Guiding the humoral response against HIV-1 toward a MPER adjacent region by immunization with a VLP-formulated antibody-selected envelope variant.
Epidemic history of hepatitis C virus genotypes and subtypes in Portugal.
CD32 is expressed on cells with transcriptionally active HIV but does not enrich for HIV DNA in resting T cells.
Restriction Factors: From Intrinsic Viral Restriction to Shaping Cellular Immunity Against HIV-1.
High risk and probability of progression to osteoporosis at 10 years in HIV-infected individuals: the role of PIs.
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - Evidence for an autoimmune disease.