Knowledge generated at IrsiCaixa is shared with the scientific community through the publication of articles in high impact scientific journals.
Genotypic and phenotypic evolution of HIV type-1 protease during in vitro sequential or concomitant combination of atazanavir and amprenavir.
Prevalence of etravirine-associated mutations in clinical samples with resistance to nevirapine and efavirenz.
Viral failure in HIV-infected patients with long-lasting viral suppression who discontinued enfuvirtide.
Viral evolution during structured treatment interruptions in chronically human immunodeficiency virus-infected individuals.
Prevalence of genotypic resistance to nucleoside analogues and protease inhibitors in Spain. The ERASE-2 Study Group.
Evolution of genotypic resistance to nucleoside analogues in patients receiving protease inhibitor-containing regimens.
Short-term risk for AIDS-indicator diseases predicted by plasma HIV-1 RNA and CD4+ lymphocytes.
High-dose saquinavir plus ritonavir: long-term efficacy in HIV-positive protease inhibitor-experienced patients and predictors of virologic response.
Presence of genotypic resistance in nucleoside analogue-treated HIV-1-infected patients with undetectable viral load.
Quantification of integrated and total HIV-1 DNA after long-term highly active antiretroviral therapy in HIV-1-infected patients.