Knowledge generated at IrsiCaixa is shared with the scientific community through the publication of articles in high impact scientific journals.
Effect of lithium on HIV-1 expression and proviral reservoir size in the CD4+ T cells of antiretroviral therapy suppressed patients.
Long-term antiretroviral treatment initiated at primary HIV-1 infection affects the size, composition, and decay kinetics of the reservoir of HIV-1-infected CD4 T cells.
Intensification of a raltegravir-based regimen with maraviroc in early HIV-1 infection.
Nucleoside transporters and human organic cation transporter 1 determine the cellular handling of DNA-methyltransferase inhibitors.
HIV-1 tropism testing in subjects achieving undetectable HIV-1 RNA: diagnostic accuracy, viral evolution and compartmentalization.
Dynamics of CD8 T-cell activation after discontinuation of HIV treatment intensification.
A genome-wide association study of resistance to HIV infection in highly exposed uninfected individuals with hemophilia A.
Actin-binding protein drebrin regulates HIV-1-triggered actin polymerization and viral infection.
Modelling HIV-1 2-LTR dynamics following raltegravir intensification.
Association study of common genetic variants and HIV-1 acquisition in 6,300 infected cases and 7,200 controls.