El coneixement generat a IrsiCaixa es comparteix amb la comunitat científica a través de la publicació d’articles a revistes científiques d’alt impacte.
A 6-amino acid insertion/deletion polymorphism in the mucin domain of TIM-1 confers protections against HIV-1 infection.
Population pharmacokinetic modelling of the changes in atazanavir plasma clearance caused by ritonavir plasma concentrations in HIV-1 infected patients.
P-glycoprotein (ABCB1) activity decreases raltegravir disposition in primary CD4+P-gphigh cells and correlates with HIV-1 viral load.
Defining the HLA class I-associated viral antigen repertoire from HIV-1-infected human cells.
Variants in the CYP7B1 gene region do not affect natural resistance to HIV-1 infection.
Determinants of virological failure and antiretroviral drug resistance in Mozambique.
Immune screening identifies novel T cell targets encoded by antisense reading frames of HIV-1.
Direct interrogation of viral peptides presented by the class I HLA of HIV-infected T cells.
Simultaneous pharmacogenetics-based population pharmacokinetic analysis of darunavir and ritonavir in HIV-infected patients.
Ritonavir boosting dose reduction from 100 to 50 mg does not change the atazanavir steady-state exposure in healthy volunteers.