El coneixement generat a IrsiCaixa es comparteix amb la comunitat científica a través de la publicació d’articles a revistes científiques d’alt impacte.
Lack of concordance between residual viremia and viral variants driving de novo infection of CD4(+) T cells on ART.
P-glycoprotein (ABCB1) activity decreases raltegravir disposition in primary CD4+P-gphigh cells and correlates with HIV-1 viral load.
Identification of Siglec-1 null individuals infected with HIV-1.
Role of Human Organic Cation Transporter 1 (hOCT1) Polymorphisms in Lamivudine (3TC) Uptake and Drug-Drug Interactions.
Short-term Treatment With Interferon Alfa Diminishes Expression of HIV-1 and Reduces CD4+ T-Cell Activation in Patients Coinfected With HIV and Hepatitis C Virus and Receiving Antiretroviral Therapy.
HIV-1-RNA Decay and Dolutegravir Concentrations in Semen of Patients Starting a First Antiretroviral Regimen.
Establishment and Replenishment of the Viral Reservoir in Perinatally HIV-1-infected Children Initiating Very Early Antiretroviral Therapy.
CCR5 Δ32 homozygous cord blood allogeneic transplantation in a patient with HIV: a case report.
Does rapid HIV disease progression prior to combination antiretroviral therapy hinder optimal CD4+ T-cell recovery once HIV-1 suppression is achieved?
Effect of maraviroc on non-R5 tropic HIV-1: refined analysis of subjects from the phase IIb study A4001029.