El coneixement generat a IrsiCaixa es comparteix amb la comunitat científica a través de la publicació d’articles a revistes científiques d’alt impacte.
Whole-Genome Sequencing of Two Bartonella bacilliformis Strains.
HIV-1 Drug Resistance by Ultra-Deep Sequencing Following Short Course Zidovudine, Single-Dose Nevirapine, and Single-Dose Tenofovir with Emtricitabine for Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission.
Low-frequency drug-resistant HIV-1 and risk of virological failure to first-line NNRTI-based ART: a multicohort European case-control study using centralized ultrasensitive 454 pyrosequencing.
Primary resistance to integrase strand-transfer inhibitors in Europe.
Clinical value of ultradeep HIV-1 genotyping and tropism testing in late presenters with advanced disease.
Virological failure to raltegravir in Spain: incidence, prevalence and clinical consequences.
Determinants of virological failure and antiretroviral drug resistance in Mozambique.
Infection with human retroviruses other than HIV-1: HIV-2, HTLV-1, HTLV-2, HTLV-3 and HTLV-4.
Efficacy of tenofovir and efavirenz in combination with lamivudine or emtricitabine in antiretroviral-naive patients in Europe.
Global Dispersal Pattern of HIV Type 1 Subtype CRF01_AE: A Genetic Trace of Human Mobility Related to Heterosexual Sexual Activities Centralized in Southeast Asia.