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Development of resistance to VIR-353 with cross-resistance to the natural HIV-1 entry virus inhibitory peptide (VIRIP).

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Methods: Anti-HIV activity and passage of HIV-1 strains in cell culture were used to generate and identify mutations that confer resistance to VIRIP and VIR-353. Recombinant viruses harboring the most relevant mutations were generated and characterized.

Results: VIRIP and VIR-353 showed anti-HIV-1 activity with EC(50) of 28 and 0.3 μmol/l, respectively, and were active against virus resistant to BMS-155, AMD3100, T20, TAK-779 or nevirapine. Time of addition experiments showed that VIR-353 targets a time/site of action corresponding to gp41-dependent fusion. VIR-353-resistant virus was generated after 450 days in cell culture, suggesting a high genetic barrier for resistance. The VIR-353-resistant virus was cross-resistant to VIRIP but remained sensitive to T20, AMD3100 or zidovudine. Recombination of gp41 into a wild-type backbone partially recovered the resistant phenotype, but both gp120 and gp41 from the resistant virus were necessary to restore resistance to VIRIP or VIR-353. Site-directed mutagenesis confirmed the role of specific mutations and identified a combination of three mutations (A433T/V489I/V570I) as the most relevant to VIRIP resistance.

Conclusion: VIRIP and VIR-353 showed anti-HIV-1 activity with EC(50) of 28 and 0.3 μmol/l, respectively, and were active against virus resistant to BMS-155, AMD3100, T20, TAK-779 or nevirapine. Time of addition experiments showed that VIR-353 targets a time/site of action corresponding to gp41-dependent fusion. VIR-353-resistant virus was generated after 450 days in cell culture, suggesting a high genetic barrier for resistance. The VIR-353-resistant virus was cross-resistant to VIRIP but remained sensitive to T20, AMD3100 or zidovudine. Recombination of gp41 into a wild-type backbone partially recovered the resistant phenotype, but both gp120 and gp41 from the resistant virus were necessary to restore resistance to VIRIP or VIR-353. Site-directed mutagenesis confirmed the role of specific mutations and identified a combination of three mutations (A433T/V489I/V570I) as the most relevant to VIRIP resistance.

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