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Utility of Systematic Isolation of immune cell subsets from HIV-infected individuals for miRNA profiling.

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Methods: PBMC from Healthy Controls (HC, n=15), Elite Controllers (EC, n=15), Viremic Controllers (VC, n=15), Viremic Progressors (VP, n=15) and HIV-infected patients on therapy (ART, n=15) were isolated by Ficoll-Paque density gradient centrifugation. Subsets were separated with monoclonal antibodies (CD56, CD14, CD4, and CD8) conjugated to microbeads. We evaluated the yield and purity of each subset isolated from PBMCs under resting and activated conditions; LPS, anti-CD3/CD28 and anti-CD16 were used to activate monocytes, PBMC, T cells and NK cells, respectively. The quality of extracted RNA was tested by 2100 Bioanalyzer.

Results: (p=0.034) subpopulations when comparing PBMC isolated either from healthy controls or HIV+ patients. The number of activated cells in HIV+ presented differences in CD8 subset (p=0.003). Finally, similar quantities of high quality RNA were extracted from immune cells subsets obtained by our method. Specifically, we show that Bioanalyzer electrophenograms reveal optimal RIN values in HIV positive and negative patients in resting condition (EC:8;HC:6.5;VC:8.80;VP:8;HAART:7.5) and activated condition (EC:9;HC:6.7;VC:8.2;VP:7.2;HAART:8.6).

Conclusion: (p=0.034) subpopulations when comparing PBMC isolated either from healthy controls or HIV+ patients. The number of activated cells in HIV+ presented differences in CD8 subset (p=0.003). Finally, similar quantities of high quality RNA were extracted from immune cells subsets obtained by our method. Specifically, we show that Bioanalyzer electrophenograms reveal optimal RIN values in HIV positive and negative patients in resting condition (EC:8;HC:6.5;VC:8.80;VP:8;HAART:7.5) and activated condition (EC:9;HC:6.7;VC:8.2;VP:7.2;HAART:8.6).

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