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Potential prescribing issues among older HIV-infected persons in a Mediterranean cohort: Does the current prevalence give cause for concern?

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Methods: Cross-sectional cohort study based on a systematic review of the electronic drug prescriptions confirmed by an interview of 91 HIV-infected patients aged ≥65 years. Discrepancies between prescription criteria were assessed using crosstabs and compared using the Chi-square test or Fisher exact test.

Results: The mean age was 72.1 (5.6) years, 75.8% had ≥3 comorbidities, and 59.3% polypharmacy. PPI were identified in 87.9%; 71.4% by STOPP/START and 45.1% by Beers. Comparing both criteria, 56.9% of PPI by STOPP/START were detected by Beers, while 92.5% of those detected by the Beers criteria were detected by STOPP/START (p0.001). Amber/red flag interactions between antiretrovirals and comedications were found in 45.1%: 3 severe (red) in 2 patients (2.2%). The most frequent drugs involved in PPI were benzodiazepines (>30%). Cobicistat was the drug most frequently involved in potential interactions (42.2%).

Conclusion: The mean age was 72.1 (5.6) years, 75.8% had ≥3 comorbidities, and 59.3% polypharmacy. PPI were identified in 87.9%; 71.4% by STOPP/START and 45.1% by Beers. Comparing both criteria, 56.9% of PPI by STOPP/START were detected by Beers, while 92.5% of those detected by the Beers criteria were detected by STOPP/START (p0.001). Amber/red flag interactions between antiretrovirals and comedications were found in 45.1%: 3 severe (red) in 2 patients (2.2%). The most frequent drugs involved in PPI were benzodiazepines (>30%). Cobicistat was the drug most frequently involved in potential interactions (42.2%).

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