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Mpox cases finding: Evaluation of a Primary Care detection program in the Northern Metropolitan area from Barcelona (Spain).

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Methods: An unified Mpox management procedure was agreed, including a prior online training of Primary Care professionals, to individually assess all Mpox suspected cases from a clinical and epidemiological perspective.

Results: A total of 68 suspected Mpox cases were included, from which 16 (26.6%) were Mpox confirmed by PCR. Up to 13 (81.2%) were male and, among them, 12 (75%) men who have sex with men (MSM). The series, however, included two minors and three women. Among MSM, 3 (18.7%) were HIV positive and 3 had no regular access to the Public Healthcare system. Among discarded patients, any infectious disease was diagnosed in 55% of cases.

Conclusion: A total of 68 suspected Mpox cases were included, from which 16 (26.6%) were Mpox confirmed by PCR. Up to 13 (81.2%) were male and, among them, 12 (75%) men who have sex with men (MSM). The series, however, included two minors and three women. Among MSM, 3 (18.7%) were HIV positive and 3 had no regular access to the Public Healthcare system. Among discarded patients, any infectious disease was diagnosed in 55% of cases.

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