El conocimiento generado en IrsiCaixa se comparte con la comunidad científica a través de la publicación de artículos en revistas científicas de alto impacto.

Production and characterization of novel Anti-HIV Fc-fusion proteins in plant-based systems: Nicotiana benthamiana & tobacco BY-2 cell suspension.
T Cell Responses in Chronic HIV Infection Are Associated With Virus Control and Antibody Isotype Switching to IgG.
Functional analyses reveal extensive RRE plasticity in primary HIV-1 sequences selected under selective pressure.
Evaluation of the cytopathicity (fusion/hemifusion) of patient-derived HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins comparing two effector cell lines.
Susceptibility of human lymphoid tissue cultured ex vivo to xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV) infection.
The HR2 polymorphism N140I in the HIV-1 gp41 combined with the HR1 V38A mutation is associated with a less cytopathic phenotype.
Genotypic and phenotypic evolution of HIV type-1 protease during in vitro sequential or concomitant combination of atazanavir and amprenavir.