El conocimiento generado en IrsiCaixa se comparte con la comunidad científica a través de la publicación de artículos en revistas científicas de alto impacto.

Vagus Nerve Dysfunction in the Post-COVID-19 Condition: a pilot cross sectional study.
Determinants of the onset and prognosis of the post-COVID-19 condition: a 2-year prospective observational cohort study.
SARS-CoV-2 Infection Modulates ACE2 Function and Subsequent Inflammatory Responses in Swabs and Plasma of COVID-19 Patients.
HIV-1 lethality and loss of Env protein expression induced by single synonymous substitutions in the virus genome intronic splicing silencer.
Defective Strand-Displacement DNA Synthesis Due to Accumulation of Thymidine Analogue Resistance Mutations in HIV-2 Reverse Transcriptase.
Synonymous genome recoding: a tool to explore microbial biology and new therapeutic strategies.
Large-scale screening of circulating microRNAs in individuals with HIV-1 mono-infections reveals specific liver damage signatures.
HIV-1 Protease Evolvability Is Affected by Synonymous Nucleotide Recoding.
Amino acid residues in HIV-2 reverse transcriptase that restrict the development of nucleoside analogue resistance through the excision pathway.
Synonymous Virus Genome Recoding as a Tool to Impact Viral Fitness.