El conocimiento generado en IrsiCaixa se comparte con la comunidad científica a través de la publicación de artículos en revistas científicas de alto impacto.

Schistosomiasis Among Female Migrants in Non-endemic Countries: Neglected Among the Neglected? A Pilot Study.
Modulation of the autophagic pathway inhibits HIV-1 infection in human lymphoid tissue cultured ex vivo.
Inappropriate sinus tachycardia in post-COVID-19 syndrome.
Modulation of DNA Damage Response by SAM and HD Domain Containing Deoxynucleoside Triphosphate Triphosphohydrolase (SAMHD1) Determines Prognosis and Treatment Efficacy in Different Solid Tumor Types.
Epigenetic landscape in the kick-and-kill therapeutic vaccine BCN02 clinical trial is associated with antiretroviral treatment interruption (ATI) outcome.
Skewed Cellular Distribution and Low Activation of Functional T-Cell Responses in SARS-CoV-2 Non-Seroconvertors.
Gut microbiome signatures linked to HIV-1 reservoir size and viremia control.
Biomarker candidates for progression and clinical management of COVID-19 associated pneumonia at time of admission.
Unraveling the antiviral activity of plitidepsin by subcellular and morphological analysis.
Virological and Clinical Determinants of the Magnitude of Humoral Responses to SARS-CoV-2 in Mild-Symptomatic Individuals.